Shop Assistant salary in Estonia

Total Salary

15,577 EUR


Base Salary

15,577 EUR


Additional Pay


Count of salaries logo indicator

Low Confidence

+1 Salaries

Data at a glance

The estimated salary per year for a Shop Assistant in Estonia in 2024 is 15,577 EUR.

These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our salary data collected from labor market.

The salary range for this position falls between 15,001 EUR and 16,152 EUR per year, depending on various factors, including levels of education, work experience and many others

What is salary market and how is calculated?

Salary market it is the combination of remuneration exchanged between employees and employees that are willing to pay and received for work.

The salary level depends on various factors, including levels of education, work experience and many others, that´s why it is represented by percentiles, being the percentile 50th the value in the very middle.

At Prosfy, we monitor labor market collecting data from various sources, including job portals, comprehensive salary studies, and valuable insights provided by our active user community and many others

What's my salary market value?

Your salary market value is the estimated salary with your specific skill set and experience.

At Prosfy, we compare your professional profile with data collected from salary market.

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What is your salary in Estonia?

Like most professions, in Estonia, salaries can vary depending on your experience level, the company you work for, and where you're working. As with any profession, as your experience and skills grow your salary expectations should reflect that. At Prosfy, we can estimate your salary in Estonia considering your personal variables. All you have to do is to sign up at Prosfy and complete your details.

How much does a Shop Assistant junior make in Estonia?

The estimated salary for a Shop Assistant junior in Estonia is 15,001 EUR per year in 2024. These numbers represent the Percentile 25th, from our salary data collected from labor market.

How much does a Shop Assistant senior make in Estonia?

The estimated salary for a Shop Assistant senior in Estonia is 16,152 EUR per year in 2024. These numbers represent the Percentile 75th, from our salary data collected from labor market.